Stuart Griffiths

Stuart is Thought Leader, Sustainable Entrepreneur and Found of Australia’s most environmentally sustainable garden care provider.

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Stuart is Thought Leader, Sustainable Entrepreneur and Founder of Australia’s most environmentally sustainable garden care provider.


Stuart has founded and scaled multiple businesses with sustainability as a core value in everything he does in the entrepreneurial community.


Stuart has been approached by globally renowned brands such as Stihl for his input and advice on the continued development of sustainable products.


Stuart has established Eco-Green Garden Care as the Australian Industry Leader for sustainable practice, showing the industry what can be achieved.

“The future of business is Conscientious Capitalism. To thrive, businesses can no longer exist simply to make a profit. Rather, the businesses that will thrive are those that make a profit to exist, and exist to make a greater contribution.”

Stuart Griffiths

Stuart Griffiths

Executive Director of Eco-Green Garden Care